Tuesday, March 25, 2008

When will our troops come home?

Since President Bush brings our troops to Iraq, anything related to Iraq always become hot topics. One of the hot topics that I am sure everyone longs to hear the answer is when our troops will come home? Our troops have been in Iraq from March 2003 to now, 5 years already, but what have we got from there? Yes, we got something. For countable things, we have death toll is about 4000 but this number will not stop there. For uncountable things, we do not know exactly how many billions of dollars the government has poured into it so far. And there is more important thing that we cannot count is the grief of dead soldiers' family.
Let return to our history in the early days. In that days, Americans had to fight France, English, and Spain because of freedom; they had to learn to farm to survive; they had to do anything they couldd in order not to depend on supply of foreign countries; thus, America have become an independent and rich country. But now, we do inverse ways. We fight Iraq for unclear reasons. We waste billions of dollars and thousands of soldiers' lives there for nothing. If we assume that we got some benefit from Iraq, so what they are? We have not seen them yet. When will we really get them? However, everybody can see the consequence from the war. Mean time, there are many problems in our country that they have not been solved yet. The economics is sliding down. The value of US dollar is decreasing. People have lost their jobs because most of big companies have moved oversea. We depend on foreign countries for almost everything such as clothing, electronic products, and even some kinds of food. While the income is decreasing, the living cost is increasing. Food and gas price also go up day by day. Healthcare system is bad unless you got money. For all these reasons, for the benefit of the country and all the United States' citizens, I think President Bush should let our troops home.


John Osborne said...

I agree with what you are saying sophie. Our troops have been re-deployed time after time again and yet they still don't know when they'll be coming home for good. It sucks and it's pretty sad. Especially for the family's of the soldier's. I also agree with you on the death toll. Too many soldiers have lost their lives and for what? A war that will be compared to the Vietnam War in the end. No. It's time to bring our boys home and stop trying to fix everybody else's problems. Not trying to sound negative but we need to start worrying about fixing our problem's and not the rest of the world's problems or we are going to start digging ourselves our own grave.

I agree with you again. There are still so many questions surrounding the war in Irag and most of them still have many ? marks next to them. Not to mention, President Bush wants nothing to do with those questions. Next Question. Next Question. At this rate, our country is headed for another depression. Furthermore, I agree with you on all of our nation's unsolved problems and the issue that its time to bring our troops home. But I think the biggest question you and I are probably thinking right now is, What is President Bush going to do next to fix our country and pull it out of the blank-hole it's in right now? That's a scary thought. Hope Obama gets here before it's all too late.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you Sophie. The War in Iraq is creating more problems than what it’s actually solving. United States have been in Iraq 5 years now, and the Bush’s administration is not promising an end to this conflict, on the contrary he wants to send more troops. Americans soldiers are dying everything in hands of hateful rebels that hate United States more than nothing in this world, and Bush wants to keep fighting this war. What are we still in Iraq? The people of Iraq don’t seem to wants us there, we should get out, and soon to prevent something worse to happen, we already are in a recession. We should leave Iraq alone to solve its own problems. History it’s repeating itself we have learned already by the war in Vietnam that we can’t broke or change people’s minds, if they like to a tyrannical ruler as their leader, let them have it, they are going, eventually, to regret it. We should be fighting for a rightful cause, where people want democracy, I know there’s must be lots of people in Iraq that wants change, but for the American causalities there are more people that hates United States.

Since the United States started sending troops to Iraq to fight for an unnecessary cause, other than gaining hold of the petroleum and the resources of Iraq; since then, the United States’ economy have been going down hill. The present economic mess is very much related to the Iraq war; the United States have slipped into recession; people are losing their homes, jobs and health insurance; banks are struggling-and the Iraq War appears to have worsened all this domestic difficulties. Besides the obvious, the climbing gas prices, the recession, and the possibility that John McCain might win the 2008 election, United States have been borrowing all the money that has been spent on the Iraq war. Forty percent of this debt is held by China and other foreign countries, meaning that all that money is eventually getting out of the country. That’s why I must agree with you in that United States is going in inverse ways; and it’s not acting like it used to -bringing democracy to countries that actually long for it-The Iraq war is driven by greed and personal interests of those that are holding power in this country. What other reason? At the beginning Americans were told that Iraq possessed nuclear weapons, a big lie, and we actually believed it.

Van Quan said...

Beside the election is coming, the second hot topic now is the war in Iraq. I agree with Sophia in this topic. The war is happening longer than we expect. The troops are in duty longer times which mean they don’t get to see their family any time soon. Sophia made a turn point by raising two things: one is the costing of the war, and other is the lives of troops. First, let think about the food. Our troops have been eating dried foods and fairly amount of fresh foods. But it is still costing us a large amount of money. For instance, according to the National Public Radio, for every given month, the troops consume about $3 millions worth of beef steak, more than $2 millions worth of lobster tail, and more than $700,000 worth of egg rolls. This is just an example to prove what Sophia was saying about the worth of the Iraq war, nothing but costing us money. Second, let’s talk about the life of the troop for the individual and the troops for the whole. No one was born and expecting a death from war, accident or something that they never think about it. The death toll that Sophia stated in the post was huge. The number 4000 dead will not stop here; it will rise up as long as the war is not end yet. The purpose of the Iraq War is to serve peace for the people. But how many people might think and know about this purpose since many U.S troops died by the war. Families of the troops only see the war in their soul for the losing of any members in their family, and the war in Iraq for the realistic. United States Government should make a decision to bring the troops home as soon as possible. The war has been long enough to an end.

Laurel said...

I totally agree with you. This is such a hot topic among the United States people, if people aren’t talking about the presidential candidates they are more than likely talking about the troops and when we are going to get to come home. So many of our men and women have gone over there to fight, and have lost their lives… for what?? We haven’t really gotten anything out of this war except spending billions of dollars on it. When I read this commentary, it was like they took the words right out of my mouth. I feel the same way about the war, and that we need to get out as soon as possible.
On a different but same note, I recently just saw the move “Stop Loss,” it is such a good movie, and it really makes you think about what our soldiers are going through. When they have done their time in Iraq and then come home and are planning on getting out, then they get stop loss, which means that they have to go back and do another tour. They have to go back because no one is signing up for the military these days; no one wants to go over to Iraq. So if you feel very strongly about the war and the soldiers then go see the movie. It’s a wake up call! Someone please bring our troops home, so that all the families of the soldiers can have them home.

Ian said...

In response to Sophie's blog asking the question of when will our troops come, I noticed that this was quite the hot topic and I am going to have to agree that it is a fine time to go ahead and start retracting our forces. Do I mean up and evaporate from the premises? No, definitely not. There is still a need for an American presence as we slowly pull out our young men.
I write this commentary coming from a predominantly military family. Come to think of it, I am the only male who didn't ultimately join one of the branches of the US military. As I'm sure Sophie does too, I take extremely great pride in our troops and have the utmost respect for them and what they do. They are merely young boys who put everything aside to risk life and limb for causes that are unclear and often unknown to them and that is extremely admirable. But we get to a point now where we have to stop and think, "God, what the hell are we still doing over there?"
It comes down to pride. Honest to God,stiff-necked pride. The US basically made a big boo boo in occupying Iraq for this long and is too proud to admit their wrongdoing and simply withdraw. This is not to say that we haven't accomplished anything while being over there. And while we all know that we've wasted plenty of good mens' lives (either to enemy or friendly fire for that matter), wasted innocent civilian lives, and billions of US tax-payers' dollars, we cannot ignore the many insurgents and terrorist cell leaders who have been successfully caught. Need I mention the capture of Saddam?
So overall I'd have to agree with Sophie. Her overall logic is on point and backed up fairly well, although I will probably disagree that all this war has gotten us is dead soldiers. But yes, ultimately, this war on "terror" has been an overall waste of resources. Perhaps no one knew it would end up this way, but we sure have seen it for awhile now. So why aren't we sucking it up and grinning and bearing it as we bring our troops home? I'll tell you why. Pride. Its the American way.
I also concur with Sophie's view on foreign policy compared to domestic issues. Anyone can see that currently, the US needs to lighten up on trying to fix everyone else's problems in the world and spend a little more time and effort on the issues here at hand. Sophie mentioned outsourcing, our dwindling economy, and increased reliance on imported goods to name a few, all of which need tending to. The real dilemma here though Sophie, is whether or not any of the Presidential hopefuls are actually going to do anything to bring them home. We already know McCain won't so it's up to whoever takes the Democratic lead to do something about it. What are the odds? Survey says... Not so great.