Monday, April 7, 2008

Obama's Speech on Race- a wonderful speech but not in the right time
I agree with you, Katie. Barrack Obama has very an excellent performance on his speech day. He impresses everybody by his literal words and the way he expresses his feeling. He makes old topic new. He attracts everyone because he speaks things many Americans want to talk and many Americans want to hear. When they listen to him, they seem to hear what they want to talk or hear. Only a person who is a victim of racism understands and sympathizes with them. And that is Barrack Obama. “He is explaining how he has been through the worst and the best of things.” And “when he talked about his family and their of races, it really allowed him to speak comfortably about white and black people.” I will also agree with you that “today is history and tomorrow will be too,” and “history repeats itself over and over.” And racism is a proof of history.
There is no doubt that he delivers a successful speech. But I do not think he gives speech at a right time. Racism is an issue that always exists in different ways. Not until Martin L. King or Obama’s speech we know about racism, we know it when there are white and colored people living in the same country. What do Americans care about now? I think Americans care more about their lives than anything else because they never know whether they will be laid off tomorrow. Once they lost their job, racism is nothing to them. Will Americans care about that if tomorrow they wake up and hear that gas price goes up to 6 dollars per gallon and food price double? I do not think so.

1 comment:

Katie said...

I feel like money is always an issue too, along with racism. If people aren't comfortable because of prosecutions of race, how can WE change the rising prices anyway? all of this is really interesting and I really respect your opinion. i think we feel the same about Obama, or atleast I think so, but still different views.